Spanish song in Vikram 2022 movie

At around 1:13:00(1 hour, 13 minutes) in Vikram Movie that is released in 2022, we can hear a song from different language that is played at the time of wedding.

What is the language of this song?

Spanish(espanol) which a majority of people in Mexico use it.

What does this song mean?

This song contains the words said by a person named "Pablo Escobar". This name is also used in the Movie at 0:42:00(42 minutes), that when finds he find the substance that is caught at Trichy bust, he will become the "Pablo Escobar".

Below are the lyrics of this words and their meaning

Yo soy Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria
(I am Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria)

Un día, yo voy a ser presidente de la República de Colombia.
(One day, I’m going to be president of the Republic of Colombia)

Plata o pomo
(Silver(Money) or Lead(Death). You choose)

We can see words in a Television series named 'Narcos' which is available on Netflix. These words will appear in Season 1 Episode 1 at around 0:12:00(12 minutes)


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